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Steven's Tri-Tip Tango

Think you couldn’t possibly love steak anymore? Wait until you try it smoked.

CEDAR CITY, Utah --Think of Superman and his weakness to kryptonite except in my friend Stevens case he takes shots of kryptonite and wakes up fine the next morning. The idea of fun for this man is winning. You want to meet the real most interesting man in the world, let me take you into the mind of this man Steven Robles. From the moment I met him he's never accepted losing, but has encouraged winning in his teammates through yelling in their face. Trust me, you don't want to be on this guys bad side and by bad side I mean the opposite team. He takes the term ambidextrous to a whole other level with his ability to shoot with both his left and right foot, which gets defenders frustrated because they don't know which way he's coming at them.
This type of winning attitude he always carries with him through life. Even when it comes to cooking, more specifically in realm of grilling. George Forman might as well change his his Forman Grill business to Steven Robles Grill Master (RGM). Just like his ability to use both feet to score, this man has range when it comes to the type of meats he cooks and types of grills he cooks them in/on.

In this case, I'm talking about his tri-tip. You can use any sort of smoker but for Steven a small backyard one works just fine. It allows for a more personal touch.
Long popular in California, the rest of the country is falling in love with the hindquarter muscle known as the Tri-Tip (or if you wanna be real fancy, tensor fasciae latae). Unlike a brisket which needs many hours of cooking to break down, the tri-tip is best cooked to a medium rare, like a steak. It has a little more chew than traditional steaks like strip or tenderloin, but a whole bunch of flavor.

After speaking with Steven there are some emphasizes on certain area of smoking tri-tip. 
The first is to always make sure to put the meat in the smoker with the fat side up. This way the flavor from the fat cooks into the meat. Compared to if you placed it face down the meat wouldn't cook as well and it would be a potential fire hazard.
Secondly he mentions that you should use Jim Beam oak wood chips as the base of the fire simply because it taste better. You see, that's classic Steven. This man has such confidence in his seal of approval for many thing because he has knowledge about it and knows the difference between the winning quality and the loosing quality.
Lastly, Steven mentions searing the tri-tip on the grill after its been cooked in the smoker. The trick is to only turn on the left and right burners, while keeping the middle one of so the meat gets a nice crisp on the side and it doesn't get soggy. And please remember always cook tri-tip medium rare, the way God intended.

Lets's veer a little to other side of this man when it comes to culture. He's seen many countries and made many friends, leaving everyone wanting more him. In Poland, vodka to him is water. In Rome, he did build the city in one day. It's his ability to share something in common with everyone  that makes him approachable. He can drink with the best of them, eat with the best of them and play soccer with the best of them. These are some of the universal needs on this planet and he excels in all of them. At 6 feet tall, 200 pounds and calves the size of the Hulks chest the man leaves and ever lasting image in people minds.

What I'm getting to with all this is introducing someone in my life that has always encouraged me to reach for bigger thing in my life. To always be wanting to win and never accept failure. A person that has always believed in me. Steven continues to grow as person himself by consistantly educating himself through books. Furthermore he never settles with where hes at in life. Currently he's in the process of obtaining his real estate license because he realized that selling houses brings in more revenue then selling cars. All this is a matter of pushing your limits and going out and getting what you deserve. So I ask you, do you want to meet the real most interesting man in the world? Just make sure you bring the tequila.


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