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18 Holes Down the Drain

I've always admired golf, the patience that goes into it is incredible. The git-ups are sometimes on point but there are some golfers that shouldn't be allowed to wear certain articles of clothing.

Okay, back to the sport. So aside from not being able to follow that little white ball as its hit, the main reason I'm not really a golf guy is because I'm unable to get the technique down. As a kid my uncle was a amateur gofer and would give lessons from time to time but for the life of me I could never get it down. I blame my god like broad shoulders and inability to have my lower and upper body go in different directions while holding my arms straight and head stay down. Its all very exhausting and I've got better things to do.

Before I get people stampeding at my doorstep with pitchforks I want to say that I have nothing but respect for golfer like Tiger Woods and Phil Mickleson. These players transcended the edge of the game with their rivalry and brought a high energy level to game similar to that of Magic Johnson and Larry Bird.

At the end of the day I would rather watch my five year nephew scramble for a soccer with other five year old. Maybe the day fights break out on the 18th hole I will show some interest or the day Tiger returns to glory. For me golf needs some sort of human on human contact of at least some trash talk. Until that day Golf will just be boring to me because of sociology-economic status growing up. Its the reason I took up wrestling as a kid because it was cheap and I got to beat up on people. My psychiatrist said it was a great way to release anger.


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